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The GDPR – Comes into force 25 May 2018 – Are you ready?



You have probably all heard about this, but have you done anything about it?

We only have a few months to go with a draft data protection bill making its way through Parliament in time for all of us to prepare for the new regime.

We believe the best way to tackle this subject is by keeping it as simple and as practical as possible in what is a huge, detailed and complex area spanning many different parts of the business NOT JUST HR.

We need to really look into the principles to understand the context of what you need to do next. Some areas are very detailed.

GDPR is the new European Regulation, adopted in April 2016 and which come into force May 2018, across all EU member states including the UK. The current data protection rules come from the DPA 1998. Life has changed considerably and realistically therefore we were due a change in regulation.

CCL are offering a masterclass in covering the reasons for the change, what the changes are together with assisting you in implementing these changes.

For just £350 we will offer you half a day’s training in order to be compliant.

email: enquries@christinaltd.co.uk or call us to learn more

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